Enhancing the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues through Education

Basic Concept

Promoting Education to Enhance the Ability to Solve Social Issues

In its efforts to help realize a sustainable society, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group places considerable importance on contributions to solving social issues and corporate growth as well as management’s ability to sustain business, create profit, and contribute to solving social issues.
With a focus on fostering the ability of our employees to contribute to solving social issues, we provide education that enables them to think in ways that connect to management’s ability to sustain business and create profit in a bid to develop products to enhance sustainability and expand related markets.

  • 02-10

Management approach toward realizing a sustainable society,

Concept of Promoting Education over the Long Term

In addition to spurring the growth of our employees through experience in their current positions, we provide education that fosters an awareness of problem-solving and the ability to take action.
On top of knowledge-based education, by having our employees spearhead activities premised on solving social issues (=SDGs), we are working to transform the consciousness of our employees while encouraging a change in behavior through activities (=SDGs contribution activities) that improve the ability to contribute to solving social issues.

  • 11-15

Schematic view of education to increase the Group’s ability to contribute to solving social issuescontribute to solving social issues

To increase its ability to contribute to solving social issues, the Group believes it is important to improve its levels of knowledge and action, which are organized into four knowledge and four action for a total of eight categories. We are promoting education and activities that reinforce weak points while expanding areas of strength, and confirming how these knowledge and action capabilities are improving through education, activities, and other programs.

  • 08-13

Knowledge and action items required of personnel who contribute to solving social issues

Approach Toward Education for Enhancing the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues in the Environmental Medium-term Plan

Program to assist the transformation to practical application

The current Medium-term Management Plan was positioned as the input stage for awareness, understanding, action, and producing outcomes for each social issue. After confirming the effects of this input stage, steps were taken to transition from the education to the development stage. This entails becoming aware, participating in planning, knowing, understanding, considering, and taking action on social and environmental issues, while creating products and services that bring about a resolution. Through this process, we have fostered human resources that can produce results and help solve social and environmental issues through their business and activities.
From the next Medium-term Management Plan, we will continue to provide education to instill knowledge and information on social issues as a base, while further enhancing education on the developmental stage to create products and services that are capable of providing solutions.


Current Medium-term Management Plan (2020-2022): Identify and improve the benchmark for the ability of human resources to contribute to the solving of social issue by 10 points


Education promotion system for improving the ability to contribute to solving social issues in the current Medium-term Management Plan

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group promotes education to enhance the ability of employees to contribute to solving social issues while conducting the following PDCA cycle.

  • Plan:
    Illustrate the Group’s vision for human resources based on the Long-term Environmental Management Vision for 2050, set milestones to achieve this vision, and construct the required education system to bolster knowledge and the ability to take action.
  • Do:
    Regularly plan and implement educational programs (including educational booklets, e-learning opportunities, online seminars led by external lecturers) based on the education system.
  • Check:
    Create a human resource awareness indicator to serve as a rough gauge of individual progress, so as to ascertain the status of the knowledge and actions that employees will require to solve social issues, and to encourage individuals to engage in self-study. We began applying this indicator starting in fiscal 2021.
    Using this indicator, we periodically conduct the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues Review to measure the ability of employees to contribute to solving social issues. This indicator allows us to identify strengths and weaknesses in knowledge and actions related to social and environmental issues, and to ascertain growth in the ability to contribute to solving social issues.
  • Action:
    Based on the results of the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues Review, we identify the gap between expectations and reality, as well as plan and implement educational programs to reinforce areas of weakness. Moreover, we will reflect the results of this review when constructing the education system under the next Medium-term Management Plan.

We will continue to enhance the ability to contribute to solving social issues through education in an ongoing manner while conducting a PDCA cycle that utilizes the human resource awareness indicator.

  • 10-02

Education Promotion System for Enhancing the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues.

Major Initiatives

Application of the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues Indicator for Human Resources

We created a human resources awareness indicator to serve as a rough gauge of individual progress, so as to ascertain the status of the knowledge and actions that employees will require to solve social issues, and to encourage individuals to engage in self-study. We began applying this indicator from fiscal 2021.
In fiscal 2021, the Group identified a benchmark and set the goal of improving this benchmark by 10 points in fiscal 2022. We also conducted a semi-annual review survey to measure the ability that employees in Japan need to contribute to solving social issues to support the basis of LIFE and continuously create peace of mind for the future in a bid to realize a sustainable society.
Although this review relied upon self-assessments, by periodically questioning our employees’ own awareness of the extent to which they are familiar with knowledge and whether they take action that helps solve issues, we were successful in measuring the degree to which self-awareness regarding contributions to solving social issues has increased. As self-awareness increases, we are confident that employees will act with an awareness of their contribution to solving social issues as part of their work.
Drawing on this indicator in fiscal 2022, we were again able to identify the strengths and weaknesses in knowledge and actions taken with regard to social and environmental issues. As a result, we implemented effective human resources development by promoting educational programs that reinforce weaknesses and develop strengths.

Group-wide average came in at 39 points , below the 51-point target.
On an individual responsibility and duty basis, Top management and Middle management in general achieved their targets. General employees, on the other hand fell short.
While knowledge points improved, action points did not, indicating that there are issues with changes in behavior.
Drawing on these survey results, we will plan and implement education and training that promote changes in behavior through programs based on job classifications in accordance with responsibilities and duties under the next Medium-term Management Plan.

Criteria for Calculating Points for the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues Review

Definition Calculated the response results of employees who responded to the questionnaire survey out of all SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group employees in Japan.
Responsibilities were tabulated after classifying into Top management (directors and executive officers), Middle management, and General employees, based on personnel information.
Calculation Method Knowledge, action: Points allocated to each question selection by weighting
The total score for each respondent is calculated and averaged.
Scope of calculation Employees who responded to the questionnaire survey out of all SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group employees in Japan

Enhancing the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues through Education Programs (content implemented in 2022)

  • 05-03
  • Implementing education to reinforce weaknesses
    In 2022, we conducted programs to reinforce low-scoring areas (weaknesses) identified in the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues Review undertaken for employees in Japan.

(1) Distribution of current environment-related topics
News about climate change and resource recycling is frequently reported in newspapers and on the Internet. SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group distributed details of current environment-related topics to inform employees about what measures are effective in solving these environment-related issues.
We introduced various initiatives undertaken by domestic and overseas companies to help employees learn about current environmental issues and think about solutions.

Distribution Topic Details
First Industrial recycling of valuable resources Learning about Circular Economies
Second Focus on renewable resources Resources to replace finite resources that are in danger of depletion
  • 10-03

Current environment-related topics

(2) Social responsibility awareness e-learning
In the Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues Review conducted in the first half of 2022, the score for awareness toward external evaluations and the social responsibilities to be fulfilled as a leading company tended to be low. To reinforce this weakness, we conducted an e-learning program using a role-playing and case study format to inform employees of how to look at external evaluations and better understand the Company’s social responsibility.

  • 10-04

Social responsibility awareness e-learning

Performance Data
  • 10-11
  • 10-12
  • Ability to Contribute to Solving Social Issues Review Average in Fiscal 2022

    • Note:
      For details of the calculation of pointssee here.
  • Group-wide average (knowledge, action)

  • 10-13

Level of achievement by category